A&C Pharmatech, Inc.
Advanced Neural Dynamics, Inc., founded November, 2008 ($0.6 MM in a funded NIH grant). The focus of Advanced Neural Dynamics is on neurodegeneration and neuroprotection. This company required 6 months of focused activity to achieve initial funding.
ALS Biopharma, LLC, founded May, 2009, angel funded (www.alsbiopharma.com). ALS Biopharma targets the orphan and debilitating indication of Lou Gehrig's disease.
Artemis Solutions, Inc.
Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
Fox Chase Chemical Diversity Center, Inc., founded November, 2008 (www.fc-cdci.com) is an early-stage translational drug discovery research company, with strong medicinal chemistry capability and multiple collaborations and partners. This company has 20 full-time employees.
Lam Drug Discovery Consulting, LLC
Mach One
Makindus, Inc.
Maryanoff & Maryanoff, LLC
Melior Discovery
Pennsylvania Bio Nano System, LLC
Pharmabridge, Inc.
PharmaCadence Analytical Services, LLC
Seneb Biosciences, Inc.
Synergy Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
The DMG Consultancy, LLC