Collaborative Research and Networking: The PDDI interacts scientifically with numerous companies and academic institutions.

Consulting Services: The PDDI faculty members provide general consulting, on request, to members of the PDDI Associate Network.


PDDI Associates

A&C Pharmatech, Inc.

Advanced Neural Dynamics, Inc., founded November, 2008 ($0.6 MM in a funded NIH grant).  The focus of Advanced Neural Dynamics is on neurodegeneration and neuroprotection.  This company required 6 months of focused activity to achieve initial funding.


ALS Biopharma, LLC, founded May, 2009, angel funded (  ALS Biopharma targets the orphan and debilitating indication of Lou Gehrig's disease.
Artemis Solutions, Inc.
Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.



Fox Chase Chemical Diversity Center, Inc., founded November, 2008 ( is an early-stage translational drug discovery research company, with strong medicinal chemistry capability and multiple collaborations and partners. This company has 20 full-time employees.

Lam Drug Discovery Consulting, LLC

Mach One

Makindus, Inc.

Maryanoff & Maryanoff, LLC

Melior Discovery


Pennsylvania Bio Nano System, LLC

Pharmabridge, Inc.

PharmaCadence Analytical Services, LLC

Seneb Biosciences, Inc.


Synergy Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

The DMG Consultancy, LLC